Time Cube disproves God.
Educators fear this site and
cowardly turn tail and run,
blocking students from it.
You have been taught lies.
You are 1/4 of the person you
were taught to think you are.
Academic and religious
teachings equate mental
retardation - as a 2x4x4
Cube creation principle
reduced to a 1/4 (corner).
You are educated retarded,
too stupid for Time Cube.
'Takes village to raise child'.
Educators are evil people;
words corrupt principles,
'takes child out of family'&
'takes village out of child' -
'empowerment of self-evil'.
There is no God in 2 x 4x4
femininity and masculinity
2 sex Cube hemispheres, as
life is a 2-Cube crap-game.
All words equal not 1 deed.
Try words to stop tornado.
Truth of Cube is ineffable.
Nature outlaws word gods.
Cubeless word is adult evil.
Word enslaves the children.
You were educated 'stupid'
by evil religious teachers,
and can't know Time Cube.
'Cube Spirit' is Almighty.
Educators are too damn
stupid to know 4/16 Cube.
There is no Cubic teacher.
Educators are the primary
cause of evil mathematics.
God is but a single corner
face on a 4-corner head.
Fire Religious Teachers
too stupid for 4/16 Life.
You're 1-corner educated
and cannot comprehend
4/16 corner rotating Life.
You were taught stupidity.
Time Cube exposes evil.
Cubelessness is an Evil.
Educators are teaching
you Evil Cubelessness.
Educators cannot allow
Time Cube to be known.
Academia is '1 corner'.
Religion but '1 corner'.
1 self is only '1corner'.
Family has '4-corners'
and 4/16 cube rotation.
God is a '1 corner' evil.
Self-god is 1 cornerism
adult scam upon child.
Teach 3 equators for a
4 quadrant hemisphere
which rotates to a 4/16
principle life creativity
as in Family Life Cube.God = Hate of Children.
God denies a childhood.
Worship of Word is Evil,
for it 'counterfeits' Deed
and teaches Liar is God.You're Educated Stupid.
1 Corner Academic 'self'
is "lowest" human form. It
"degradates"4/16 family life
and destroys all villages.1-human is but 1-corner
life in 4-corner lifetimes:
baby, child, parent and
grandparent corners ...
a rotating 4/16 creation.
Corner god nonexistent.
Academia is a religion
with religious teachers
controlled by believers,
who forbid 4/16 Cube
as "Forbidden Truth".
Adults evolve from their
ungodly image children.
Fake god eats Child life.
Educators teach cubeless
babble, ignoring Highest
Order Creation- a Cube.
Fire Religious Teachers
ignorant of Time Cube.
Believers are 'evil liars'.
'Self-god' is lowest form
of behavior, below both
family and village Cube.
You are educated stupid.
Stupid educators cowardly refuse $5,000.00 public forum Time Cube debate.
Man-god academic scam
equals 1-corner Pyramid.
Rotating 4-corners prove
1-human is only 1-corner
of a Higher Order Life. There is no 1-
corner god in 4-corner lifetime stages
of human evolution metamorphosis ...
wherein born baby dies to child, child
dies to parent & parent dies to grand-
parent corner. Adults evolve, not born.
Singularity equates sex with the baby.
Adult word worship is an
evil adult scam. Burn the
bible, honor Childhood
via which adults evolve.
Babble Power is suicidal.
Ignorance of "Time Cube"
indicts you stupid and evil.
Explain the "Time Cube".
Do you like being Stupid?
"Our Cube" cornersLiars.
I am a 'Cubic Thinker' and
far wiser than any god, any scientist
and any educator who preaches the
evil singularity of a single 1st corner.
Gene Ray
Truth about Santa Claus debunks
Santa God. God evolves from Santa.
Educated people are stupid cowards.Not a single university has accepted my challenge
for a public debate of Nature's Time Cube. They
are actually brainwashed stupid and decline any
public debate for fear of public embarrassment.
Physicists forbidden to acknowledge Time Cube.
Stupid educators always beget stupid graduates.
Not one knows of their 4-corner metamorphosis.Gene Ray
Educators teach erroneous Mathematics.3-Dimensional math as in length, width and height
are erroneous when applied within a Cube like room
for they do not account for the 4-corner perspective
dimensions of difference as in '4-dimensional space'.
Solar system, Earth sphere and human body all have
a front, back and 2 sides which rotate between the 2
top and bottom poles - ceiling and floor parameters.No single corner human can occupy or experience
more than a single corner at the same time during a
4-corner rotation within the 4/16creation principle.
Earth sphere rotates within an invisible Time Cube.
Unseen, humans have not the education or rationale
to comprehend Nature's Simultaneous 4-Day Cube.
You are a personified pyramid corner.
Educated people are the evil empower-
ment of the self - the lowest form of
humanity. Humans are brainwashed
stupid and indoctrinated evil. A human
will rotate around 4-corner lifetime
stages within a family metamorphosis -
baby, child, parent and grandparent.
Name your 4/16 greatgrandparents.
Your own people will kill
you to prevent this
'Forbidden Truth Cube'
from ever being known.
Socrates was killed to
hide Truth from public.
1-corner god is a fraud.
Are you afraid to know?
All Educated are Stupid from
brainwashing and indoctrination.
Pedant teachers cannot comprehend
that there are 4 simultaneousYears
within a single rotation of Earth
about the Sun. Each season has its
own separate corner Year.
You are probably brainwashed, indoctrinated, educated stupid and cannot comprehend
Nature's Harmonic Simultaneous 4-Day
Perpetual Time Cube Creation.When the Sun shines upon Earth,
2 - major Time points are created
on opposite sides of Earth - known
as Midday and Midnight. Where
the 2 major Time forces join, synergy
creates 2 new minor Time points we
recognize as Sunup and Sundown.The 4-equidistant Time points can be
considered as Time Square imprinted
upon the circle of Earth. In a single
rotation of the Earth sphere, each
Time corner point rotates through
the other 3-corner Time points, thus
creating 16 corners, 96 hours and
4-simultaneous 24 hour Days within
a single rotation of Earth - equated
to a Higher Order of Life Time Cube.
Ignorance of the Time Cube is evil.
Education induces Stupidity. Explain
4 life human metamorphosis.
Creation Origin Found
Life is a "Crapshoot" -
with a femininity cube
and a masculinity cube.
God is an Evil Invention.
Word is a Trojan Horse.
Singularity debunked by Time Cube.
Self is the lowest form of humanity.
Self-god is lowest human behavior.
Family is source of human creation.
Community is perpetual family/self.
'Evil'educators brainwash children.
The Greatest Thinker
Earth has 4 simultaneous Days
within only 1 rotation. Losing 3
Days in each Earth rotation has
retarded your mentality to stupid
and an education of Evil. You do
not have the mind or education
to envision Nature's Time Cube.
Proving Human Stupidity
Revelations 7.1 recognizes 4 Earth Corners.
You Word-Murder Your Children.
Human metamorphosis has 4-corner
lifetime stages known as baby,child,
parentand grandparent. Bible-god
equates 1-corner and bare Earth for
children. 4-corner Truth is ineffable
and no self or god can speak Truth.
Only baby is born.Adult is not born.
Without metamorphosis - no adults.
If Earth stood still, it would have mid-day, mid-night, sun-up and sun-down as 4 corners. Each rotation of earth has 4 mid-days, 4 mid-nights, 4 sun-ups and 4 sun-downs.
The sixteen(16) space times demonstrates cube proof of 4 full days simultaneously on earth within one (1) rotation. The academia created 1 day greenwich time is bastardly queer and dooms future youth and nature to a hell.
Ignorance of 4 day harmonic cubic nature indicts humans as unfit to live on earth.
Gene Ray, Cubic
I will give $1,000.00 to any person who can
disprove 4 days in each earth rotation. It's
a pity that religious and academic word is a
crime against Nature and enslaves Children.
4-cornered Truth is ineffable by man or god.
Until Word is Cornered, all Math is Fiction.Confirmation:
- LIFE ENCOMPASSES A 4-16 CUBE PRINCIPLE " .: -:: = u ` ` . : ^ ::--x !.. . ` L '~" : `- - ` :x '~~ ~-~ . ~ .. !! . " .. !< `` ' . :' !`~ X< ^ :-x ` .: e `!>> "` '.! x-: r . = % ` ..- " :: )4 ~' ` `~~ ^ ``" ... ^ :-> \! % ^ !: " \(. . e '` s . . . . d'.e !!! !(! ``~= ^ :. . \` u. " >: ` -:. =-'~ !!.`!<< -: !?- *`` . ! (% ^ ~ :> ` uL . .-u > = ` " . . . r H` : 4! .' `-. ~~- x< `' %( ~ > . !). ~`~ ""`: "!X!.`-`-/. . ` : < > - r x:x ~ .. u ~ ?. !< . +: ` -x:x ~` (: `~.>.- > - ' .(s `~x: :. < !-- !-- `.-:>>!! :x ...L!! -~ ^ > . ` -:: ='- . . >! ! ~ \< . u ' !< -- ` >`!!!!.'`~<> * . ` >+ =" " .. -~" `` " . u! .. `.` >:.< `` . " `>~ '!! * .? % '<( " ` "'. > u !- 4 : ` `` > ' (..` . ~ u . " `` 4@$ ?f!> . X): `!- '!! `~!! e #! ```` `` s=- ~ ->: ! ^ " :- ^ :.- u " ^ u:.- ... -- >! <(( `!!> r - . * x->-.. ' ./( ``!`: * `? `h u ~` .`!? `~ " .. ` ~"~ r " `! .>?( `~" 4 -- !:: . --- s `` >X! =-'~ "- 4 - ``` Cross
- Socrates has a mid-day
- Clinton's have a sun-down
- Einstein has a mid-night
- Jesus has a sun-up
- (Harmonic Cube)
- 1 - 24HR Earth Day
- Rotate Earth 1/4 turn
- Socrates has a sun-down
- Clinton's hve a mid-night
- Einstein has a sun-up
- Jesus has a mid-day
- 1 - 24HR Earth Day
- Rotate Earth 1/4 turn
- Socrates has a mid-night
- Clinton's have a sun-up
- Einstein has a mid--day
- Jesus has a sun-down
- 1 - 24HR Earth Day
- Rotate Earth 1/4 turn
- Socrates has a sun-up
- Clinton's have a mid-day
- Einstein has a sun-down
- Jesus has a mid-night
- 1 - 24HR Earth Day
- Rotate Earth 1/4 turn
Greenwich Time is a Lie
Your midday is someone else's midnight, someone else's sundown and even someone else's sunup. Do you know that time is a simultaneous 4 corner square that rotates to a 4 day time cube within 1 - 24 hour rotation of Earth? You are educated stupid and unable to know Nature's 4-Day Time Cube Creation.
Are You Jewish?
Public Warning
The Power Above God.
Pedantic Mind Control
Corruption of Word
Same Stupid Ass Teachers
Greenwich Time Debunked
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