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September 26th, 2000 - Afternoon:
- After a week and a half of calm, normal living with nothing important
or exciting happening in the Death Tank, I was somewhat surprised to see my roommate open
the lid of the tank and plunge the net into the water. Alas, there was another
victim today. Yes friends, I am afraid that the Suckerfish has sucked his last bit
of slime. Ever. In fact, my theory is that the remaining fish are just too
clean and didn't contribute to enough nourishing slime for the Suckerfish to feed off of.
Number of fish alive: 4
Number of overall flushes: 9
September 26th, 2000 - Late Evening:
- While discussing the future of the Death Tank, I asked my roommate if
he remembers throwing away the last neon minifish. He doesn't. Nor do I.
And since there was never a floating body, we can only assume that it was eaten by
the other fish, or got trapped under the bubbler. Sorry for missing out on that one.
This entry is just to make an adjustment to the totals. The remaining fish
are the two whiskerfish and Lil' Barracuda. There are rumors of new fish being added
tomorrow...I'll keep you posted.
Number of fish alive: 3
Number of overall flushes: 10
September 28th, 2000 - Evening:
- My roommate returned home tonight and asked me to guess what he had
purchased that day. I figured it was a joke, since I saw a big pack of toilet paper
in the other room and it was his turn to buy some. Nope. It was fish. A
lot of them. Judging by the prices written on the plastic water bags, he dropped
some decent cash on them too. So, do you want to hear about the new additions?
- The first bag contained a new suckerfish, which was cool since he
replaces the one fish that I thought would last forever. This one is spotted like a
leopard or something.
- The second bag contained two silver fish with giant chins. I
swear, half of their body mass is chin. They are officially dubbed the Fat Chins
from now on.
- The third bag housed a new angel fish. This one is currently
leading in the "freaky-looking" category. This thing must be albino
because it has these bright red eyes. He looks really flimsy too. My bet is on
this one going next.
- The last bag was a semi-present for Marissa, who suggested that my roommate
purchase a blue and gold fish, to match our college's colors. He had to settle for
blue/purple and a light orange one due to selection, but that was nice of him.
Supposedly they color these fish by injecting them with dye when they are young.
Sounds bad to me, but they seem fine with it.
Number of fish alive: 9
Number of overall flushes: 10
September 29th, 2000 - Afternoon:
- All of the fish are looking healthy, but I noticed that the two
Marissa-fish are a little sluggish. My roommate left for the weekend, so I am
feeding the fish.
Number of fish alive: 9
September 29th, 2000 - Late Evening:
- For reasons unknown, I just found the suckerfish doing a crazy new

It's called the "Sleep on my back with my eyes always open and don't respond
to any tapping or nudging polka."
I have a feeling he'll be doing this dance for quite a while...or at least until my
roommate comes back and angrily rushes him back to the store. Suckerfish are REALLY
expensive, and this one barely lasted one day. Ouch. I hate when suckerfish
die...they are like the wacky leeches of the fish kingdom.
Number of fish alive: 8
Number of overall flushes: 11 (when he gets
September 30th, 2000 - Afternoon:
- The suckerfish is still dancing. Also dancing is the blue
Marissafish, who has decided to dance in the artificial tree's hole. Hopefully he
will dance his way out of there, because it will be tough to pull him out with the net
(and I'm in no mood to reach in). Marissafish #2 is laying on the ground not doing
much of anything. I decided to clean and re-mount the filter, since it isn't working
very well.
Number of fish alive: 7
Number of overall flushes: 12
September 30th, 2000 - Evening:
- The re-mounting seems to have worked, since there is a lot less
cloudy debris in the water. As a result, Marissafish #2 is feeling better. I
even made sure that he ate a little. Speaking of eating, Lil' Barracuda is amusing
to watch at Flake Time. As soon as he notices that the food supply is in fact
limited, he begins chasing everyone away. Not that the chasing accomplishes much in
the small tank though...
Number of fish alive: 7
October 1st, 2000 - Evening:
- Today marks the first official scoring adjustment to the fish
counter. It seems that Marissafish #1 is not dead after all, and merely spent the
entire weekend in the tiny fake-stump hole. I was astonished to find him sitting on
the bottom of the tank and BREATHING tonight. Way to go, Marissafish #1!
Number of fish alive: 8!
Number of overall flushes: 11
October 1st, 2000 - Later that Evening:
- My roommate notes that the Angelfish has a puffy red eye. That
would be bad, except for the fact that he is an albino freak and his eyes are normally
red. They aren't usually that puffy though.
Number of fish alive: 8
October 1st, 2000 - Even Later that Evening:
- The Angelfish has lost control of his balance system and is swimming
completely sideways. Do I hear a water tank filling in the distance?
Number of fish alive: 8
October 2nd, 2000 - Early Morning:
- Yep. I did. I came back from Marissa's room to find out
from my roommate that the Angelfish (his favorite) is visiting SewerLand. Oddly
enough, he took a buddy with him for the trip. For reasons unknown, one of the
chinfish was floating as well. I would like to point out that we keep a clean,
healthy, well-heated tank and feed these fish properly. No intentional harm or
malice is used in the making of The Fish Counter Archive.
Number of fish alive: 6
Number of overall flushes: 13
October 3rd, 2000 - Afternoon:
- It's really getting eerie the way that the fish only do the really
odd stuff during the minute or two you watch them during the day. For instance, I
was sitting here at my desk, glancing at the death tank, when all of the sudden the
remaining chinfish decided to do a sprinting loop of the tank and leap into the air.
Of course when I say "the air," I actually mean "the lamp on top of
the tank." He knocked himself out and sank to the bottom of the tank, where he
started moving again a few minutes later. Also, Marissafish #2 (the yellow one) is
sitting pretty motionless underneath the filter. That can't bode well for it.
October 3nd, 2000 - Evening:
- It seems that Marissafish #2 has really taken a liking to that
under-filter spot. It likes it so much that it has decided to use up more space
under there by laying down sideways. Permanently.
Number of fish alive: 5
Number of overall flushes: 14
October 4th, 2000 - Evening:
- While we were at class, the last chinfish decided to join the
Floaters Club of greater death tank. He will be missed for his...well, his...okay,
so maybe he didn't do anything memorable. Except for that leap into the lamp.
That was kinda funny.
Number of fish alive: 4
Number of overall flushes: 15
October 5th, 2000 - Late Evening:
- Sometimes, after following a big news event, you have a few days were
nothing happens. Marissafish #1 has decided to break that trend, however, and also
take a permanent nap on the gravel floor. Ladies and gentlemen, we are now back down
to the original Death Tank Trio: Lil' Barracuda and both whiskerfish. All three fish
are still quite entertaining with their antics. My roommate seems a little bothered
about losing some many fish recently. It can also be noted that he is leaving for
the weekend again, so I will be in charge of feeding the fish. Will there be more
fish? I'm not sure. But you never know...so keep checking back for any
late-breaking developments!
Number of fish alive: 3
Number of overall flushes: 16
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October 9th, 2000 - Evening:
- The Trio has been living peacefully for a few days now. In
fact, the only notable thing that happened is that my roommate mentioned that Lil'
Barracuda has ick. For those of you that are not well versed in fishtank-speak,
"ick" is the general term for just about everything that makes fish sick.
Other than Fin Rot of course. That's just called Fin Rot. My roommate tells me
that he really should buy some medicine for Lil' Barracuda, but I can't see any illness
October 10th, 2000 - Afternoon:
- Today I walked around the desk to my roommate's side of the room to
look at the fish. That's when I noticed that Lil' Barracuda is sitting on the bottom
of the tank upside down. That's not good. I guess that's the ick he was
talking about.
October 10th, 2000 - Evening:
- In a shocking turn of events, my roommate actually made good on his
promise to go out and buy fish medicine. That is an unprecedented one-day
turnaround. The water in the tank now has a light blue tint to it. I'm told
that is a result of the medicine being added. I don't think it is going to help Lil'
Barracuda all that much though. Oh yeah, did I mention that my roommate bought FOUR
new fish while he was at the store? Hurray!
- Fish #1 is the largest fish we have had yet. That title used to
be held by our two deceased suckerfish. Based on the gigantic size of this new fish,
I am going to name him MiniShark.
- Fish #2 is a brand new suckerfish! I forget, does that make
three or four of these now? It's so hard to keep track...all I know is that these
babies can cost $20. That's a lot of money just for some sucking. (Oh yeah,
that joke in your head IS intentional)
- Fish #3 and #4 are perhaps the best of all. Black angel fish.
As dedicated readers of the Fish Counter Archive, you probably already know how
poorly angel fish seem to fare. I am pegging them as the first to go, which always
irks my roommate who loves angel fish.
Number of fish alive: 7
October 10th, 2000 - Late Evening:
- One of the most enjoyable fish in the tank so far has gone to the
giant sewer in the ground. R.I.P. Lil' Barracuda! And the countdown begins
anew to see when the new (angel) fish will perish....
Number of fish alive: 6
Number of overall flushes: 17
October 11th, 2000 - Late Evening:
- My roommate has asked me to note that the pH of the water is also
correct, along with the filter, air bubbler, food type, and temperature. That filter
sure is getting filthy though! Maybe we'll change that tonight..
October 12th, 2000 - Morning:
- As I was getting ready for class today, I noticed that WhiskerFish
team was chasing around one of the angelfish and nipping at it. That can't be good
for the angelfish. Maybe the WhiskerFish are just being playful. Maybe not.
October 12th, 2000 - Afternoon:
- When you look at the top of a fish tank, you expect see a few things.
Bubbles, for one. Check. Next you might want to see some floating
plants. Check. Then you want to see a dead angelfish. Oh wait, no you
don't. Too late, check.
Number of fish alive: 5
Number of overall flushes: 18
October 12th, 2000 - Evening:
- Since my bet was that the angelfish was next, I won. I created
a handy poll so you can be a part of the next round. I don't want to bias the
results with my pick though. Good luck!
October 15th, 2000 - Evening:
- I'm happy to announce that over 200 people voted in the recent Flush
Poll. Okay, so maybe it was 201 total and I'm just saying "over 200" for
effect, but who cares? Anyway, here are the results:

- Why am I posting the results, you ask? Because the time for
predictions on this round are over! With the Angel Fish floating at the top of the
tank, I can now say that 67% of the readers chose the right answer. Good job
- Of course, that now leads us to the next poll. If fact, there
are several poll topics. Choose carefully, and good luck!
Number of fish alive: 4
Number of overall flushes: 19
Take the poll |
Who will be flushed next?
-= Cost of flushed fish
so far: $127 =-
<-- Back to the Niftyness